Orthodontic Aligners
Orthodontic Aligners / Invisible Braces
Orthodontic aligners can straighten a dental patient’s teeth without the metal wires and brackets of conventional braces. The aligners consist of a sequence of clear, removable trays that fit over the teeth to straighten them. Each tray must be worn by the patient for a specified amount of time, usually around 20 hours a day for two weeks after that, the patient can progress to the next tray. In most situations, the aligners can straighten teeth in anywhere from six to 18 months.
At Dr Viral Patel’s Dental Implant Laser Cosmetic Centre we use digital cad cam techniques to diagnose & plan invisible braces & orthodontic aligners. Digital dentistry technology offers major advantages over conventional dentistry techniques. One of the biggest advantages of this is improved efficiency in dental treatment procedures. Also, Improved accuracy is a great benefit of using digital technologies
Digital Aligners straightens the teeth without wires and brackets, using a series of clear, customized, removable appliances. It’s virtually undetectable, which means hardly anyone will know that you’re straightening your teeth. These aligners are the future of orthodontic treatment. These incorporate a series of invisible (clear) plastic aligners that fit comfortably over your teeth and designed to move your teeth gradually into the desired position. Clear aligners a favourite choice for orthodontic treatment, primarily because the removable aligners (less than one mm thick) designed to be more cosmetically pleasing than conventional wire-and-bracket dental braces.
Orthodontic Aligners are suitable for patients with mild or moderate crowding, or minor spacing issues. They may not be appropriate for patients with severe crowding or spacing. While the aligners can correct a mild malocclusion, patients with severe underbites, overbites, or cross bites may require more advanced orthodontic treatment.
Unlike traditional braces, the trays can be removed for brushing, flossing, and eating. Because the trays are clear, patients can undergo this type of orthodontic treatment without the usual discomfort.
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